We also offer caves and water points for tortoises as accessories.
You will also find beautiful gift ideas for turtle friends or yourself here.
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Landschildkröten-FutterpflanzenProduct no.: B1-314.90 € * Delivery period: 3-5 working days |
Landschildkröten-FreilandanlagenProduct no.: B214.90 € * Delivery period: 3-5 working days |
Die Ägyptische Landschildkröte Testudo kleinmanni LORTET, 1883Product no.: B329.80 € * Delivery period: 3-5 working days |
The Egyptian Tortoise Testudo kleinmanni Lortet, 1883Product no.: B3-E29.80 € * Delivery period: 7-21 working days |
Sch-EProduct no.: Sch-E21.90 € *
Old price
27.90 €
You save 6.00 €
Delivery period: 5-7 working days |